Field Coordinator(GENEINA) – TGH


Job Description

OrganizationTriangle Generation Humanitaire
Job TitleField Coordinator
LocationGENEINA, with travel to all TGH areas of intervention in West Darfur
Posted Date 27 December 2023
Closing Date07  January 2024
Gross Salary1,346 USD

The Field Coordinator’s overall role and responsibility is to lead and oversee the efficient functioning and coordination of Triangle’s operations and programming in the State or a specific location. They collaborate and coordinate with the Program, Finance, Logistics, and Human Resources teams and ensure adherence to TGH’s internal rules and procedures. They are responsible for representing TGH with Government bodies, including HAC and the Line Ministries, and for coordination with UN Agencies, INGOs, and Sudanese partners. They also have operational responsibility at the field level for access and for ensuring the safety of staff.

The Field Coordinator’s specific responsibilities include: 

Team Management & Internal Coordination

  • Directly supervise the staff under his/her hierarchical line management (logistics, finance, HR, MEAL); technical management remains under the Technical Coordinators/Managers at the Coordination level.
  • In coordination with the Program Managers and Technical Coordinators/Managers, ensure all staff in the TGH base/area of intervention have clear work plans and adhere to them.
  • Support all managers at a base level (WASH Manager, Child Protection Manager, FSL Manager, Logistics Manager, and Finance-HR Manager) in the operational planning and implementation of activities.
  • Manage the communication channels between the different departments, including through the holding of regular base meetings, to ensure good information flow, coordination, and cooperation; in particular,  facilitate an effective, efficient link between the Program (activities) and Support teams (Finance, Logistics, and Admin).
  • Ensure effective communication between the field teams and the Country Office. This includes raising issues of concern between the field and the Country Office and relaying requests from one to the other.
  • Lead and contribute to a positive atmosphere and team spirit and good working relations between all team members in the TGH areas of intervention under the Field Coordinator’s responsibility.
  • Take all the necessary actions for all field employees to be aware of and adhere to TGH internal rules and procedures (including those related to HR such as punctuality, productivity, and principles of a professional work environment); promptly report any significant violations to the Country Office.
  • Ensure that any changes to TGH policies, new tools, or processes are shared with the teams, providing instruction/guidance to them when necessary. 
  • Participate in recruitment processes for staff at the TGH base/s.
  • Ensure the relevant departments submit monthly reports.


  • Identify the learning needs of TGH staff and propose training or other capacity-building for them, in coordination with the program and technical managers.
  • Provide daily coaching and mentoring to the staff under his/her line management, as well as to other staff where appropriate.
  • Coordinate and participate actively in enhancing the knowledge and skills of staff and partners. 

Program support & monitoring:

  • Cooperate with the Program Department, especially the Program Managers and the Senior Head of Programs (SHoP) to facilitate the effective and smooth implementation of program activities.
  • Take responsibility for ensuring that project activities are implemented on time in a quality manner according to Program work plans, the HR recruitment schedule, and the logistics Procurement Plan.
  • Identify delays, obstacles, or risks that may negatively impact the implementation of project activities; raise issues (with recommendations on how to resolve them) to relevant teams and when appropriate to the Country Office.
  • When requested, participate in program-related coordination bodies at the field level, providing written minutes to relevant colleagues afterward.
  • When an emergency response is necessary, manage and coordinate distributions (hygiene kits, emergency shelters and other NFIs, cash or vouchers, etc) in field locations, paying close attention to security as well as logistical issues.
  • Monitor and analyze the operational context in all areas of intervention under the Field Coordinator’s responsibility, to maintain an excellent understanding of the context and the community needs; provide in-depth analysis of the humanitarian context at locality and state levels to the program team, Country Director, and other colleagues.
  • Provide input into donor reporting, and support follow-up on donor’s activities, objectives, indicators, and general project planning.
  • Provide input into grant concept notes and proposals.
  • Actively communicate about the humanitarian needs in the field and raise suggestions for improvements or expansions to TGH programming and/or to geographic areas of implementation.
  • Plan and participate in needs assessment, monitoring, or MEAL missions to the field, ensuring logistical, staff safety, and access support to participants.
  • When necessary because of gaps, take responsibility for project management on an interim basis. 

Administration, Finance, Logistics and Human Resources (HR)

  • In cooperation with the Technical Coordinators, ensure the smooth and effective implementation of tasks by Administrative (HR / Finance) and Logistics teams at the base level.
  • Ensure that TGH Logistics and Financial procedures and donor requirements, as well as HAC procedures, are adhered to at all times
  • Report any concerns over adherence to Logistic and Financial procedures and policies timely
  • Ensure that HR policies & procedures are adhered to at all times (validations of HR requests, appraisals, disciplinary measures, etc.)
  • Liaise with finance/administration, procurement, and human resources colleagues at all levels to ensure adequate support for all project activities
  • Follow up the procurement process of project items, materials, and equipment in coordination with the field logistics team and coordination office.
  • Supervise the sending of all financial/accounting documents on time
  • Manage information archiving at the base level to ensure proper access to information and proper storage of information (hard copies and digital copies).

External coordination:

  • Maintain a continuously updated contact list for his/her location, covering all stakeholders (government, UN Agencies, other INGOs, LNGOs, etc). 
  • Ensure general coordination and representation of TGH at the local level with HAC, line ministries, and other authorities; take the lead on official procedures (permissions, Technical Agreements, MoU validations, etc.); provide reports to HAC and line ministries as requested. 
  • Maintain a comprehensive network of contacts and effective collaboration with the UN and other humanitarian actors; participate in area-based coordination meetings when requested.
  • Establish and maintain effective relationships with partner organizations, in coordination and collaboration with the Program team, Community Engagement & Conflict Sensitivity Coordinator, and other colleagues.
  • Support and facilitate the maintenance of good relations with local communities, in coordination with the Community Engagement & Conflict Sensitivity Coordinator, Program team, and other colleagues.
  • Facilitate and participate in visits to the field by donors, partners, or others.
  • Anticipate risks or obstacles about external coordination and proactively propose solutions.

Access & Safety Management

  • Oversee access and staff safety issues in the Field Coordinator’s area of responsibility. 
  • Approve staff movement plans daily; when necessary, seek guidance and validation from the Access & Safety Coordinator, Area Manager, or Country Director.
  • Ensure security rules and measures are enforced inside TGH compounds including respect for the probation against weapons being permitted inside TGH premises.
  • Ensure the effective management of watchmen at TGH premises, in collaboration with the logistics team.
  • Serve as a member of the Country Security Management Team.
  • Constantly monitor the operational context, as well as TGH SoPs and practices, in order to assess risks and propose adaptions where necessary to better protect TGH staff and assets.
  • Ensure that all staff in the areas of intervention are aware of and fully adhere to TGH procedures and policies related to staff safety, in collaboration with the Country Director and the mission’s security focal points.
  • Ensure that safety briefings are provided to all new team members in the field, as well as to all visitors.
  • Provide any immediate support needed to manage incidents in the field.
  • Promptly report any incidents, violations of TGH SOPs, or significant change in context which may impact staff safety, to the Country Director and/or other security focal points at the mission; draft or contribute to the writing of incident reports to be sent to HQ.
  • Analyse, inform, and report on security-related issues to the Country Director and the TGH mission security focal points.

Other duties:

  • Submit a monthly report outlining the work and achievements of the base.
  • Gap fills management positions in their area when necessary. 
  • Submit ideas for the improvement of the bases and welfare of staff.
  • Promote awareness and respect among the field teams for the core humanitarian principles of neutrality, impartiality, independence, and humanity, as well as the Do No Harm principle of humanitarian action.
  • In coordination with the Country Director, MEAL Manager, and Accountability focal points on the mission, support the sensitization of program staff as well as affected populations and local communities on TGH accountability standards (including with regard to PSEA policy) and TGH feedback and reporting mechanisms.
  • Immediately report any allegations or concerns about PSEA or other accountability-related violations by staff, partners, or suppliers.

Any other tasks that may be required for the effective management of operations in their area. 

Minimum Qualification, Skills, and Experience Required:

  1. Required knowledge and skills:

Education and professional experience:

  • University Degree or equivalent in experience in relevant area/s (NGO project management or field operations, logistics, finance, HR, management, etc)
  • Minimum 3 years relevant professional experience, including at least 1 year in a staff management role in an INGO or NNGO.
  • Experience in logistics and procurement, HR, and/or finance processes and procedures is strongly preferred.
  • Experience working in insecure environments.

Competencies: (Knowledge, Skills & Abilities):

  • Excellent negotiation, interpersonal, communication, and listening skills
  • Demonstrated leadership and team management skills.
  • Knowledge of HR, logistics, finance, and administration
  • Project management skills are an asset
  • Excellent computer skills (Excel, Word, Outlook, Internet)
  • Excellent reporting skills
  • Excellent spoken and written English and Arabic
  • Organization, planning, and prioritization skills
  • Ability to work independently and under pressure

Personal characteristics: 

  • Integrity
  • High confidentiality, respect for cultural diversity, and a non-discriminatory attitude
  • Committed to humanitarian principles
  • Motivated, proactive, and self-disciplined
  • Pragmatic, flexible, and a problem-solver

Furthermore, this job description can be updated during the time of the contract according to program needs.

Those who are interested in the position are requested to submit an application letter, CV, and copies of Academic/experience qualifications through 

  • HAC Labour Office
  • TGH Office Geneina.
  • Sudan Job
  • e-mail address,

 Opening date 27 December 2023 –  07  January 2024

Net Salary for the position 1,346 USD depending on the bank exchange rate

NB: The salary can be paid in SDG due to the current situation and non-accessibility to the banks

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