Head of Campus France (Presentation of Service) -The French Embassy


The French Embassy in Sudan and the French Regional Institute in Sudan are recruiting a Responsible Campus France (Presentation of Service)


The action of Campus France, the French agency for the promotion of higher education, reception, and mobility is part of the ambitious objectives of France’s policy of attractiveness and influence. It aims to:

  • improve the attractiveness and international influence of French higher education establishments
  • attract students with high potential, who will occupy positions of high responsibility tomorrow and will act as relays of our influence
  • develop supervised mobility in order to guarantee students a path of success
  • diversify the geographic and social origins of students moving to France, in particular by supporting the mobility programs of foreign governments.

For this, the Campus France Agency relies on a network of 250 offices (Campus France spaces and branches) located in 125 countries.

The Campus France Sudan service provider is based at the French Regional Institute of Sudan. He is under the direct responsibility of the cooperation attaché of the Embassy of France and functional to the deputy director of the Institut français.

Head of Campus France (Presentation of Service) - The French Embassy

The Head of Campus France in Sudan has the following main missions:

1- Animation and coordination of the Campus France network in Sudan

  • Elaboration and management of the annual budget of Campus France
  • Monitoring, reporting and evaluation of the actions of all Spaces and Antennas.

Through its coordinating role, it must ensure relations between Campus France and all the relevant embassy services as well as with the supervisory authorities – Campus France Agency in Paris.

It supports the Cooperation and Cultural Action Department of the French Embassy in the implementation of university cooperation.

2- The promotion of French higher education.

It defines an annual promotional action plan in collaboration with the cultural service and the Campus France Agency covering:

  • Organization of events, seminars, conferences, promotional actions, exhibitions with the participation of French establishments, participation in educational, national or international events.
  • Creation and management of promotional resources: Campus France brochures, adaptation and updating of web tools (site, blog, …)
  • Establishment of a web communication: creation of a student database, e-mailing, newsletter, promotion on social networks
  • Monitoring of the overall demand for studies abroad as well as the activity of partner agencies (Goethe Institute, British Council).

For this activity, he has to travel throughout the country independently or in support of Campus France Spaces and Antennas.

3- Information, guidance assistance, student enrollment assistance, and preparation for departure to France

The Campus France manager is responsible for the following activities:

  • Information, assistance with the orientation of students (telephone, e-mails, direct contacts in the Space, information meetings)
  • Preparation for student departure: link between students and reception desks in France, information, organization of meetings and information materials
  • Creation of FAQs or documentation for students

4- Mobility management

As mobility management is part of Campus France’s missions, the Campus France Manager in Sudan may be required to work on activities related to the management of grants:

  • Promotion of existing scholarship programs (BGF, BGE, co-financing …).
  • Monitoring of the constitution of scholarship students’ files and preparation for departure (link with Campus France)

5- Monitoring of former students

As part of the development of actions in connection with alumni, the Campus France Manager in Sudan will be required to work on:

  • Implementation of the local France Alumni website
  • Animation of the France Alumni site:
    o Creation and management of site content
    o Creation and monitoring of communities of interest
    o Promotion of the network (social networks, posters …)
    o Organization of events for alumni and with alumni
  • Database management: ensure that it is regularly updated through actions encouraging alumni to complete their profiles (contests, events, etc.)
  • Monitoring of partners linked to alumni management: Alliances Françaises, Higher education establishments, Chambers of commerce, companies, etc.

6- Additional activities

Integrate into the IFRS team, the service provider may occasionally be called upon by files related to the activity of the center (linguistic and cultural projects, exams, FSPI project)

Expected skills and qualities:

  • Good knowledge of French and Sudanese higher education systems
  • Sense of contact and teamwork
  • Autonomy, ability to adapt
    -Against for public speaking
  • Organisation
  • High availability
  • Good knowledge of French Level B2
  • Good master of office tools (Windows environment) and web (website, social networks)
    For the post sheet, please visit our website: https://www.if-soudan.net/index.php?id_menu=61 ….
    Deadline for applications: 16/12/2019.
    Thank you for sending your CV along with a cover letter to: lydia.boudriche@diplomatie.gouv.fr

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