Job Description
Job Title: | Food Security & Livelihoods Coordinator |
Job Location: | Khartoum, Sudan |
Reports to: | Assistant Country Director- Programmes |
Length of Contract: | One-year renewable, with a three-month probation |
Salary Grade / Step: | Grade 9, Monthly Gross Salary range – between USD 1,503 and USD 1,997 |
Deadline: | 03/10/2021 |
General Background of the Programme
GOAL’s mission is to work with the most vulnerable communities to help them respond to and recover from humanitarian crises, and to assist them to build transcendent solutions to mitigate poverty and vulnerability.
GOAL has been working in Sudan since 1985, towards ensuring the poorest and most vulnerable in our world and those affected by humanitarian crises have access to the fundamental rights of life, including but not limited to adequate shelter, food and livelihoods, water and sanitation, nutrition, healthcare and education. GOAL implements a range of multi-sectoral development, resilience, recovery and humanitarian responses programmes by being sensitive to cross-cutting issues including gender, accountably, child protection, HIV/AIDS.
GOAL is currently working directly in North Darfur and South Kordofan States, managed by GOAL offices in these states and in Khartoum. The current GOAL programmes focus on four main sectors: Primary Health Care, Nutrition, Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) and Food Security and Livelihoods (FSL).
General Description of the Role
The primary role and responsibility of the FSL Coordinator are for managing and facilitating the overall designing, planning, implementation, monitoring, and reporting of the Food Security and Livelihoods Programmes for GOAL Sudan Country Programme. The FSL Coordinator will work with his/her team and other sector’s leads to ensure an integrated approach in project implementation. Key project activities include: – Agricultural input distribution through seeds fair, livestock distribution; Poultry farm; VSLA; Nursery and environmental protection. Moreover, the FSL coordinator will organize and facilitate wide-ranging skills and capacity building training for communities, project staff and partners.
Key Duties and Responsibilities
At program level
- Analyse and report the humanitarian needs from FSL point of view for programming purpose.
- Lead need assessment for FSL program development.
- Lead and contribute for FSL programme development.
- Prepare detail FSL Programme implementation plan including activities plan, budget and spending plan.
- Work with MEAL team to conduct various FSL focused monitoring and evaluation activities.
- Responsible for the management of the overall project budget spending monitoring and work closely with procurement to ensure timely supply of project input.
- Ensure strict quality assurance in terms of international and national standards and protocols for the designing and implementation of all components of FSL activities such as: Seeds distribution, livestock distribution, VSLA etc.
- Ensure that all works follows international and national quality standards and best practices, and that agricultural initiatives are technically and environmentally sound.
- Troubleshoot, as needed, to prevent disruptions in daily program activities and liaise with senior management for timely action;
- Ensure standard filling and documentation of project activities implementation at head office, state and locality levels.
- Maintaining, analysing and reporting using standard project data base;
- Oversee proper targeting/identification of project beneficiaries process;
- Work with MEAL team to undertake proper and timely post project input distribution (PDM);
- Manage a food security and livelihood team with proper performance management plan and provide direct and ongoing supervision and managerial support to all FSL team in the field;
- Organize and facilitate various training sessions or workshops in order to build the capacity of project staffs and target communities in different thematic areas such as pre and post-harvest practices; plant protection, soil conservation and environmental sound agricultural practice, income generating activities and goat’s production, improvement process and livelihood fairs, nursery technics; planting spaces, required quantity of fertilizer (animal manure), nursery water -efficiency use, marketing and basic accounting skills.
- Coordinate with other technical departments such as Health, Nutrition, water and sanitation and REFLECT and ensure program integration to maximize project impact.
- Conducting and facilitate the implementation of the field surveys at village and at household level.
- Compile and submit programmes update, reports as required and as per set timelines
- Attend the inter-agencies relevant sectoral coordination meetings (food security and Livelihoods) meetings in the national and state level as assigned by Assistant Country Director – Programmes.
- Ensure establishment and maintenance of relationship with various stakeholder including line ministries and clyster/sectors at the national and state levels.
On reporting
- Prepare progress reports as required by GOAL and by donors.
- Prepare final reports.
- Track and control project data based.
Qualification and Requirements:
- University degree in agriculture or rural development. Preferable post graduate degree in Agriculture or rural development.
- At least 5 years of relevant INGOS/NGOS experience on emergency Food security and Livelihoods programming preferable in Darfur;
- At least 3 years of Previous experience at managerial or above level;
- Previous practical experience in organizing seed-fairs and various food security and livelihoods experience.
- Experience in proposal and budget preparation and report writing.
- Staff management, personnel and training skills essential.
- Good computer skills. working knowledge of Microsoft Word and Excel essential.
- Oral and written English essential.
- Knowledge of rural community development
- Proven track of being able to understands community/local knowledge and community/local issues specifically on food security and livelihood, on rural development sectors.
How to Apply
This job description is not incorporated in the employment contract. It is intended as a guide and should not be viewed as an inflexible specification as it may be varied from time to time in light of strategic developments and following discussion with the post holder.
GOAL has a Staff Code of Conduct, Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy, which have been developed to ensure the maximum protection of programme participants and children from exploitation. GOAL also has a confidentiality policy ensuring the non-disclosure of any information whatsoever relating to the practices and business of GOAL, acquired in the course of duty, to any other person or organization without authority, except in the normal execution of duty.
Any candidate offered a job with GOAL will be expected to adhere to these policies and other GOAL and Donor policies.
GOAL’s Conflict of Interest Policy applies to all recruitment processes. Staff will be required to declare Conflict of Interest during the process.
This Job Description only serves as a guide for the position available. GOAL reserves the right to change, revise, omit, and add in part /in whole this document any time without giving any reason thereof.
Interested applicants should submit their applications and credentials to the labour office at HAC in Al Jamhoriya Street.
About Goal
When was goal founded?
1977GOAL was established in 1977 by Dublin sports journalist John O’Shea and four friends. Deeply moved by the plight of street children they encountered on a trip to Kolkata (Calcutta), India, they decided to set up an aid organization dedicated to helping the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people.
Is goal a charity?
Fundraising from the public
In addition, GOAL is a member of the Charities Institute of Ireland and registered with the Irish Charity Regulator and UK Fundraising Regulator.
GOAL is an international humanitarian response agency with its headquarters in Dublin, Ireland with offices in 13 countries around the world.
For jobs from GOAL Ireland visit: GOAL Ireland Jobs Page