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Building Management Associate – UNHCR
Prepare detailed work set / work plans / maintenance plan for UNHCR premises, inspections of the work, pointing out the defects, shortcoming and deficiencies if any in the work.
Supply Associate – UNHCR
Prepare plans for delivery of relief and other non-food items according to the operational needs and regularly update the information in UNHCR IT systems
Associate External Relations and Reporting Officer – UNV
The development of capacity through coaching, mentoring and formal on-the-job training, when working with (including supervising) national staff or (non-) governmental counter-parts, including Implementing Partners (IPs);
Agricultural Skills Development Officer – ILO
Provide advice on and analysis of economic and labour market trends in host communities and refugee settlements to help design and implement interventions for cooperative development and agricultural skills development
Assistant Field Officer – UNOPS – LICA 8 – UNHCR
Assess the needs of persons of concern in the AoR and formulate project submissions in collaboration with district authorities and implementing partners.
Camp Management Technical Officer (Darfur) – NRC
Ensure the CM team has tools, processes, and capacity in place to collect, store, and share accurate and timely information and data on sites/areas where IDPs and returnees located
Area Manager (Multiple Duty Stations) – NRC
Ensure participation of displacement and conflict affected people in decision-making processes and accountability loops including them
Protection Programme Development Manager (Geneina) – NRC
Gather and analyse camp and informal sites management-related protection data from target or proposed target populations
WASH Project Manager (South Kordofan) – NRC
Contribute to needs assessments, including attention to Protection risks and to provide area specific information and inputs to Core Competency heads
National Individual Consultant: Social and Behavior Change – VASI consultant – UNICEF
The Voice and Space Initiative is an inclusion platform where the voices of the marginalized and most vulnerable members of the community can be captured and acted on. Women
Nutrition officer – UNICEF
Support the P3 specialist to establish specific goals, objectives, strategies, and results-based planning, through analysis of nutrition needs and areas for intervention, and submission of recommendations for priority and goal setting.
Senior National Government Engagement Advisor P5 – WFP
Sudan is in a very uncertain political period. On one hand, the transitional period afforded new opportunities to make significant advances towards peace,
Programme Policy Officer/CBT – WFP
Job holders at this grade level make definite contributions within the established policies and procedures. They inform strategic direction for CBT operations and scale up in their area,
Programme Policy Officer (NOA) – Head Of Resilience (El Obeid) – WFP
To provide support to policy and programme activities that effectively meet food assistance needs.
Programme Associate (Call Centre Operator) – UNV
Answer incoming calls, provide immediate response to information inquiries and questions, recording all user information into the CFM database system