Accountability Manager (Darfur) – TGH

OrganizationTriangle Generation Humanitaire
LocationCentral Darfur-Golo (With travel to all TGH locations).
Salary1067 USD
Closing Date15 Sept 2024

Under the responsibility of the MEAL Manager and the Country Director, the Accountability Manager is responsible for the implementation of activities related to accountability to affected populations (AAP) including the Community Feedback & Response Mechanism (CFRM).  He/she advises on TGH Sudan mission’s accountability strategy and implementation; provides and manages sensitization and capacity-building on accountability issues for staff, beneficiaries, and communities; ensures coherent and timely response to feedback; and when delegated conducts confidential investigations into serious allegations or suspicions about staff conduct.

The Accountability Manager must carry out their activities with the highest professionalism, integrity, commitment and confidentiality.

Responsibilities and tasks:

Design & implementation of accountability activities

  • Contribute to the development and continuous refining of the mission’s accountability strategy and workplan for activities to implement it.
  • In collaboration with the Deputy Country Director-Program, technical coordinators and heads of sectors, and program managers, ensure AAP principles (community participation, information-sharing, feedback management and response, adherence to humanitarian standards, etc) are built into each and every stage of projects.
  • Contribute to development and implementation of the TGH Sudan’s CFRM, including the drafting of the CFRM Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and the selection of CFRM communication modalities which are accessible to all stakeholders and relevant to the local context and culture.
  • Develop accountability visibility materials for beneficiaries & communities as well as for TGH staff, in collaboration with the MEAL Manager and the Community Engagement & Conflict Sensitivity Coordinator.
  • Establish and oversee the CFRM database in accordance with the SOP, and supervise & regularly review the Accountability Officers’ inputs into it.
  • Supervise the support the Accountability Officers to manage and resolve non-sensitive feedback/complaints.
  • Responsible for informing the Country Director immediately in case of sensitive complaints received as per the SOP; and when authorized to do so by the CD, share information with other senior management (in particular the mission PSEA Focal Point of any PSEA-related allegations, and the HR Coordinator of any alleged corruption, fraud or other non-PSEA serious Code of Conduct violations).
  • Ensure that feedback & complaints (received through the CFRM or from other sources) are addressed promptly and that an appropriate and timely response is given to the submitter/complainant in accordance with the SOP.
  • Flag to the Country Director and MEAL Manager any delays or issues related to the CFRM process, with recommendations on actions to resolve them.
  • Take responsibility for regularly checking (at least weekly) feedback received through the specific TGH Sudan mechanisms.

HR Management

  • Line manage the Accountability Officers with the support of the MEAL Manager, setting workplans & objectives, and allocating tasks and following up on progress made.
  • Conduct regular performance appraisals and assess the capacity-building needs of the Accountability Officers.
  • Provide training/mentoring to the Accountability Officers and actively seek out training opportunities (internal or external for them).
  • Participate in recruitment of accountability staff

Accountability investigations

  • Participate in sensitive complaints investigations, as Investigation Manager or an investigation panel member, when authorized to do so by the Country Director.
  • Write or contribute to investigation reports on sensitive cases.

Accountability surveys and field visits

  • Design, lead or contribute to beneficiary satisfaction surveys or other accountability-related surveys of affected populations and/or TGH staff, in collaboration with the Accountability Officers, MEAL team, Field Coordinators, or other relevant TGH staff.
  • Conduct regular field visits to support Accountability Officers, oversee implementation of accountability in the field, and coordinate with program and other staff over accountability mainstreaming into project activities.
  • Conduct specific accountability-related spot checks when requested by the MEAL Manager, Country Director or other senior management.

Training and awareness on CFRM

  • Design an accountability induction package for all staff (program and support).
  • Deliver CFRM inductions to staff, and train and support the Accountability Officers to deliver such inductions.
  • Contribute to developing accountability-related inductions and awareness-raising materials for affected populations about TGH Sudan’s CFRM, tailored for the local context, in collaboration with the Community Engagement & Conflict Sensitivity Coordinator.


  • Ensure regular analysis and drafting of reports (monthly or quarterly) about the feedback & complaints received by TGH Sudan (number, type, status, timeframe until resolution, etc).
  • Provide written report to MEAL Manager and Country Director following field visits.


  • Participate in the continuous development and improvement of the CFRM SOP and accountability tools
  • Participate in learning workshops with program and other teams, sharing feedback and suggestions on improving project relevance, impact, and accountability.

Any other tasks assigned by the line manager based on TGH needs.

Minimum Qualification, Skills and Experience Required:

Required knowledge and skills

Education and professional experience:

  • University Degree or equivalent in experience in relevant field/s
  • Minimum 2 years of experience in MEAL and/or Accountability
  • Previous working experience with NGOs is mandatory
  • Experience of team management
  • Professional experience which includes community engagement,Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP), and/or communication with communities (CwC) is strongly preferred
  • Capacity-building experience is an asset
  • Background in data collection, data analysis and presentation is an asset

Competencies: (Knowledge, Skills & Abilities):

  • Demonstrated knowledge of Accountability to Affected Populations is required
  • Knowledge of monitoring & evaluation in the humanitarian context (especially of WASH, protection and/or FSL projects) preferred
  • Excellent computer literacy (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Kobo) particularly in Excel
  • Knowledge of quantitative and qualitative research methods
  • Previous training and experience in conducting internal investigations related to PSEA, fraud or other misconduct allegations is strongly preferred.
  • Fluency in Arabic and (with excellent written communication skills) in English
  • Strong planning and organizational skills

Personal characteristics

  • A high degree of confidentiality, a respectful and non-discriminatory attitude, and strong commitment to humanitarian and accountability principles
  • Passionate about humanitarian work and committed to upholding humanitarian principles even in difficult situations
  • Willingness to regularly travel to multiple TGH areas of operation in Darfur
  • Flexibility in working hours, week end / holidays when required by the situation/ context
  • Strong attitude towards teamwork and collaboration
  • Good leadership skills
  • Stress resilience and ability to work under pressure

Due to nature of some accountability issues, qualified female applicants are highly preferred.

NB: Some parts of this job description might be modified according to the evolution of activities of TGH in Sudan, and after the employee has been consulted.

This position is not entitled to TGH INPAT Status, no accommodation, no Monthly Allowances

NB: The salary can be paid in SDG due to the current situation and non-accessibility to the base

Net Salary: 1067 USD

TGH can change the work locations

Those who are interested in the position are requested to submit application letter, CV, and copies of Academic/experience qualifications through

Opening date 5 Sep 2024 – 14 Sep 2024

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